Ramadan 2025
Leicester Diabetes Centre Ramadan resources and support for 2025
The holy month of Ramadan is an important part of the Islamic calendar, during which daylight fasting is practiced. Many Muslims with diabetes are exempt from fasting, however, some will still participate.
It is important for people who are living with diabetes to consult their GP practice before Ramadan, to ensure they fast safely.
The Leicester Diabetes Centre have created a series of resources designed to support those who wish to fast and for healthcare professionals to support and facilitate safe fasting during Ramadan:
Community Champion advice videos
Healthcare professional type 2 diabetes advice video
Healthcare professional eLearning
Patient and healthcare professional support page with website links and infographics
Video advice
Ramadan advice on fasting and feasting safely for people living with diabetes.A short animation to help you keep safe during the holy month of Ramadan with advice from a trained Community Champion.
Community Champion. Ebrahim Ali, a trained Community Champion and Educator for a Safer Ramadan Programme (the Centre for Ethnic Health and the Leicester Diabetes Centre) promotes our Muslim communities to fast safely during the holy month of Ramadan.
Ramadan can be a challenging time for many people with type 2 diabetes who choose to fast. In this video Dr Ehtasham Ahmad from the Leicester Diabetes Centre gives advice on how to navigate through this time safely and effectively.
Access the 2020 Ramadan ADA/ EASD guideline here.
eLearning, support and infographics
EDEN’s Safer Ramadan eLearning for healthcare professionals has been developed with full involvement from Leicester’s vibrant ethnic community and the Centre for Ethnic Health, this module will help healthcare professionals to safely and effectively support those wishing to fast.
This course aims to:
Increase healthcare professionals knowledge and confidence to support and advise Muslim patients wishing to fast during Ramadan.
Provide a quick-glance guide to help risk stratify patients with diabetes wishing to fast.
Enable healthcare professionals to tailor advice to individual needs.
If you are interested in accessing the course please email : eden@uhl-tr.nhs.uk
LDC’s dedicated support pages
An informative resource page for healthcare professionals
An informative advice page for people living with diabetes
Both resource pages have advice on exemptions, risk and preparing for Ramadan. Including pre-fast assessment, diet and exercise advice, medication types and post-Ramadan guidance.
For healthcare professionals: Quick reference infographics are available to download for blood glucose monitoring and Ramadan guidance assessment, medication and education.
Access via the informative resource page for healthcare professionals.
For people living with diabetes, download our Managing Diabetes during Ramadan support leaflet here.
You could also download and print this leaflet.
For businesses who would like to support their staff during Ramadan, please download our Promoting a Ramadan friendly work schedule leaflet which has advice for staff and colleagues during Ramadan.
You could also download and print this leaflet, and use it as a poster.
Other useful resources
Ramadan: Diabetes and fasting toolkit - information for pharmacists from South Asian Health Foundation (SAHF) and Lloyds Pharmacy
Diabetes and Ramadan - information for people living with diabetes, Diabetes UK
Keeping patients with diabetes healthy during Ramadan, NHS England
Ramadan and Diabetes: A guide for patients from The Muslim Council of Britain