ADVICE: What is the difference between social distancing and self-isolation?


There are lots of confusion regarding social distancing and self-isolation please find some helpful guidance.

Social distancing: 

Public Health England (PHE) on Gov. uk website suggests: 

Social distancing measures are steps you can take to reduce social interaction between people. This will help reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people

More information here:

 If you live in a residential care setting follow this advice:

Physical Activity Guidance for social distancing as per PHE:

Any of the advice for self-isolation applies here too. You can also go for a walk or exercise outdoors if you stay more than 2 metres from others .


Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) have collated a number of UK-based activity resources that are a mixture of home and outdoor based. 



Public Health England (PHE) on Gov. uk website suggests:  

Social distancing measures are steps you can take to reduce the social interaction between people. This will help reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

See link for information:

Physical Activity Guidance for Self-Isolation

Look for ideas of exercises you can do at home on the NHS website – see “home exercises”


Home based exercises, following NHS advice on physical activity guidelines should be included as an essential part of the self-isolation/ protection guidelines. Walking extra steps around the same rooms on the flat, or using stairs – even one step up and down- is better than sitting or lying most of the day. Particularly so if such a routine is performed every few hours. 


 There are a whole host of activities useful for the home emerging during this crisis. Simply search on Google or YouTube:

  • Exercise to music or dancing in front of instructional youtube clips

  • Yoga or Pilates directed by instructional youtube clips

  • Circuits with body weight exercises (e.g. press-ups, squats, jumping jacks and anything else to keep moving and work different parts of the body)

The key is not to leave your home. You also may need to be staying away from other people in your home.