Complimentary Event for Commissioners

The Leicester Diabetes Centre will be hosting an exclusive event, inviting commissioners and professionals who are based within a commissioning capacity in primary care and long-term conditions, including diabetes.

This is a free event at the world renowned Leicester Diabetes Centre in the East Midlands. We will tackle, together, solutions to key challenges that are facing us within our workforce, in particular the post pandemic burden in diabetes. With new models of care, and roles supporting the integration of excellence in diabetes and multi-morbidity care, we’ll bring together a platform to consider solutions to the issues facing your commissioning decisions.

This face-to-face meeting will offer opportunities for you to:

  • Consider challenges, burden and related solutions

  • Provide a space for discussion 

  • Share best practice and collaborate for mutual benefit 

  • Level up care and improve patient outcomes


Thursday 16th March 2023

AGENDA (refreshments and lunch included)

  • Coffee 9.30am

  • Start 10.00am

  • Finish 4.00pm


Leicester Diabetes Centre, Leicester General Hospital, Gwendolen Road, Leicester, LE5 4PW

To register your interest please complete the form below and include any dietary requirements. Places are limited, please register as soon as possible.