EVENT: diaTribe Leicester 'Royal Rumble'
The ‘Royal Rumble’: Leicester’s leading diabetes professors are set to go head-to-head, discussing the most urgent problems and opportunities facing diabetes today
The diaTribe Foundation (created to improve the lives of people with diabetes and prediabetes, and to advocate for action) will be hosting their seventh annual ‘Solvable Problems in Diabetes’ on 22nd September 2020, live-streaming at 17:30 (BST).
With a unique focus this year, Solvable Problems panellists will discuss: newest treatment strategies, opportunities presented by new technology and digital health tools, and the future of diabetes care – all in light of COVID-19.
Leicester’s four professors are currently leading ground-breaking discoveries on the front-lines of several interrelated epidemics - including COVID-19, type 2 diabetes and obesity.
“Their insights will serve the global community in more ways than one. Hear their take on how COVID-19 is revealing the hidden vulnerabilities in global healthcare delivery systems.
Learn about how the city of Leicester, as part of Cities Changing Diabetes, is improving its urban environment by reducing food insecurity, increasing access to green spaces, and more, to empower people with diabetes. How does all of this relate to new therapies that are protecting against diabetes complications?
And finally, how is diabetes data going to help people make therapeutic decisions, adapt to a new lifestyle, and even prosper as we move forward in an uncertain world?” – diaTribe Foundation
Register your place now at the diaTribe website to secure your virtual front row seat and take the opportunity to submit a question for the panellists.
Which corner will you be backing? Pick your Prof. from the Royal Rumble line up:
Professor Pratik Choudhary
Professor of Diabetes at the University of Leicester and member of the EASD postgraduate education committee. Recently joined after 15 years at King’s College London.
Professor Melanie Davies CBE
Professor of Diabetes Medicine at the University of Leicester and an Honorary Consultant Diabetologist at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. Co-Director of the Leicester Diabetes Centre, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.
“We are addressing some very serious problems at the moment and this panel discussion will be an excellent opportunity for us to really air some of these issues and discuss frankly with respected colleagues. There are no easy answers here” - Professor Melanie Davies CBE
Professor Kamlesh Khunti
Professor of Primary Care Diabetes and Vascular Medicine at the University of Leicester, Director of NIHR ARC East Midlands. Co-Director, the Leicester Diabetes Centre, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.
Partha Kar
National Specialty Advisor for Diabetes at NHS England and a co-lead of Diabetes GIRFT with NHS Improvement. Partha has been a Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust since 2008. Honorary Professor, University of Leicester