Free learning plan for diabetes related emergencies

Leicester Diabetes Centre and MIMS Learning introduce a free learning plan for diabetes related emergencies

We are excited to have launched with MIMS Learning and in partnership with the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, a free Diabetes 'at the front door' learning plan on managing diabetes related emergencies in hospital. Across three modules, consultant diabetologist Dr Kath Higgins (University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester, UK) looks at hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis,  hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, and principles for safe management of diabetes in hospital. The learning plan has been provided through the Inpatient Diabetes Training and Support (ITS) programme.

Aimed at secondary healthcare professionals with an interest in diabetes, the plan is worth three CPD hours. Learners can complete the full plan or, if they prefer, access an individual module of their choosing. All they need to do to access the content is to register for a free MIMS Learning account.

The plan is available on the new MIMS Learning diabetes specialty page, which is dedicated to providing diabetes-focused CPD content for secondary care healthcare professionals. For more information about the Diabetes 'at the front door' learning plan and diabetes CPD content, visit MIMS Learning.