New Steps4Health app for long-term conditions launched ahead of global diabetes campaign

Personalised physical activity support to help manage diabetes and other long-term conditions has been shared in the new Steps4Health web app created by the Leicester Diabetes Centre.

Steps4Health aims to provide a personalised walking programme with continued feedback and progression, based on the latest research and designed specifically for people with long-term health conditions.

Steps4Health provides advice, information and feedback on walking speed, physical activity intensity, and sleep, to improve overall quality of life and support an active lifestyle.

Steps4Health has been developed by the Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group at the Leicester Diabetes Centre (LDC). 

The LDC team undertakes ground-breaking research, harnessing diet and movement behaviours across the 24-hour day as therapies in the prevention and management of long-term conditions, including diabetes. The team’s research in this area has changed and improved international guidance on physical activity and long-term conditions.

Professor Melanie Davies CBE, co-founder of the LDC at Leicester General Hospital, said: “We should all be aware of what a difference a day makes when talking about our activity levels. We know that regular exercise is very important for people living with type 2 diabetes. However, it isalso important we understand that all our behaviours over the course a day have an impact. 

“Over 24-hours, activities usually include sitting, sleeping, walking and exercising, and all of these activities affect our health.”

Steps4Health launches for select user testing on World Diabetes Day, which takes place on Monday, November 14. User experience feedback is integral to the process – if you would like to register your interest, please email:

Steps4Health will focus on ability-specific tailoring for stepping, the number of workouts and reducing sedentary behaviours such as sitting, to support people of all different mobility levels.

Notifications personalised to the individual user will tailor their user experience while monitoring progression. In addition, access to competitions and awards help motivate users whilst building an online community.