Partha Kar receives OBE in New Year’s Honours list


We were delighted to hear, Professor Partha Kar has been awarded an OBE for services to people with diabetes.

Honorary Professor, University of Leicester, Partha continues to break new ground as a National Specialty Advisor, Diabetes with NHS England and co-lead of Diabetes GIRFT with NHS Improvement and the honour came as an incredibly pleasant surprise. 

Speaking to Partha about how he felt when he heard the news, he said:

"An incredibly pleasant surprise, perhaps too early in one's career, considering some of the amazing folks all around in diabetes care who have done far, far more and await their much deserved recognition. 

I suspect the biggest joy has been to see the reaction of my parents, to whom it has meant so much after an incredibly difficult year. There's much yet to do for diabetes care, but the acknowledgement via this honour is much appreciated"

Partha continues to support the Leicester Diabetes Centre with ongoing research and projects.

In his national role, Professor Kar has led and delivered on:

  • Freestyle Libre being available on NHS

  • NHS Right Care Diabetes pathway

  • Diabetes ‘Language Matters’ document

  • Type 1 diabetes NHS England web-resource – on NHS choices

  • Introduction of frailty into QoF treatment targets for diabetes care in NHS

  • Availability of CGM to all  pregnant people with diabetes

  • Diabetes Technology pathway development with multiple stakeholders

  • Setting up pilot projects for diabulimia treatment in London and Wessex

  • Introduction of Low Carbohydrate App into NHS Apps Library

Other work has involved input into updating driving guidelines in relation to use of technology in those living with diabetes, helping to develop a virtual reality programme to improve hospital safety and starting work on increased mental health access for people with diabetes across the NHS.

Professor Partha Kar has been a Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust since 2008. He was the Clinical Director of Diabetes from 2009 to 2015, being part of a multiple national award-winning department due to its services and care provided. He is the pioneer of the Super Six Diabetes Model, which aims to deliver diabetes care differently and is recognised as one of the good examples of integrated care.

Extracted from The Diabetes Times, to read the full article, please click here:

Image copyright Diabetes Times