Committed to growing international research, education and innovation



We strive to develop a range of education materials and products for healthcare professionals who wish to become more competent in the delivery of their diabetes care, but also for people with diabetes who wish to gain a deeper understanding of their condition. 

For Healthcare Professionals

Distance learning MSc in Diabetes

Online e-learning modules

Clinical Attachment

PhD Studies

Clinical Research Fellows

Webinars for latest updates in Diabetes

For Patients

We have a range of programmes to empower people with diabetes to self-manage their condition by providing skills and knowledge. Based on our research, we have created prevention programmes which support people at high risk of Type 2 diabetes to prevent or delay the condition. These include a range of programmes delivered face-to-face, as well as our new ‘digital first’ portfolio.

·       Type 2 Diabetes

·       A Safer Ramadan

·       Injectable Therapies

·       Let’s Prevent Diabetes

·       Walking Away from Diabetes

·       BabySteps

·       Healthy Goals

Working in partnership with our Centre for BME Health, all of our education programmes are culturally inclusive.